

Here are some notable libraries that I usually use.

Styling Libraries

Tailwind CSS (opens in a new tab)utility class
SASS / SCSS (opens in a new tab)CSS pre-processor
Chakra UI (opens in a new tab)great component library with great default style


UI Component Libraries

Library for UI Components like a carousel, toast, tabs, etc.

Swiper (opens in a new tab)Carousel, there is a wrapper for react if you use react
React Hot Toast (opens in a new tab)Toast with great default style
Headless UI (opens in a new tab)Have a lot of headless components like tabs, disclosure, radio, etc.
Radix Primitives (opens in a new tab)Primitive component library
Rough Notation (opens in a new tab)Library to create and animate annotations on a web page


React Libraries

Libraries that I use with React.

React Icons (opens in a new tab)Collection of icons from different sources, really handy
React Dropzone (opens in a new tab)Upload Dropzone component
React Image Lightbox (opens in a new tab)Lightbox for images
React Hook Form (opens in a new tab)Form management, and validation
Yup (opens in a new tab)Validation library, paired with react-hook-form
SWR (opens in a new tab)Library to cleanly fetch data from API
Zustand (opens in a new tab)State management library
React Datepicker (opens in a new tab)Datepicker component


Config Libraries

Development config such as code formatting, linting, etc.

Prettier (opens in a new tab)Code formatting
ESLint (opens in a new tab)Linting
Lint Staged (opens in a new tab)Only run linter on staged files
Husky (opens in a new tab)Automation for git hooks
Standard Version (opens in a new tab)Changelog generator


Last updated on November 14, 2023